Monthly Archives: November 2014

DAY IX: Nein

Almost every day I feel a brief flush of enthusiasm about this blog, as though I’m going to put some effort into it, as though I might write worthwhile, or at least longer and more detailed and perhaps even more entertaining posts, as though I might actually craft a coherent vision and purpose for the site. Then, my mid- to late-afternoon, particularly on work days like today, I just don’t care anymore.

The thing is, I really do need to make changes in my life, which is what this blog is supposed to chronicle. The way things are going, particularly at work, is not very… fun.

DAY V: Bye Day

The “rules” of 100 Sit-ups daily for 100 days are that an occasional “skip day” is okay as long as I make up the missed exercises. Today is a skip day – I’m simply beat, and still a little bit sick – and tomorrow, Friday, will be a “double” day.

DAY II: Monday

Still sick with a cold.

Went to work.

Completed 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups! #BOOM!

No progress on NaNoWriMo project.

Introduced to a new time-sucking web site by a co-worker: Indulgy. It’s a photo-pinning site somewhat like the popular Pinterest, but I find this one easier to navigate. Indulgy is a newer site, so it does not yet have as many users as Pinterest.

Tomorrow is not a work day – the schools are closed on Election Day. YAY!

Day I: Starting Over

I failed to accomplish most of my goals or to make significant changes or improvements in my life during my first One Hundred Days.

I am going to try again.

Originally posted on Day Twenty-Six and annotated yesterday on the 100th day, here is a revised version of my list of things to accomplish in the next 100 days: Continue reading Day I: Starting Over