Tag Archives: clutter


I think I’m mostly over my cold. I still have a trace of a residual cough, and I’m quite tired by the end of each day.

Tonight I shall be trying to sort and price items for the yard sale that we hope to hold tomorrow. Of course the weather is looking damp.

Again, I am feeling extremely frustrated because of the endless amount of stuff I have accumulated, and the way that no matter how much I think I have removed, the room still seems cluttered to the point of being impassible. I had to move a half-dozen boxes and bags to access the computer to type this post.

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN: Too Tired to Tweet

I worked on “house stuff” all day, some “fix-it” stuff, some “decluttering” stuff, and despite my ending up too tired to write anything decent here, there is virtually no visible progress. I snapped some photos today, but I don’t want to take the time to upload, edit, and post them. I want to take a shower and go to bed.

I have almost completely filled up the back of my car with items for the proposed yard sale, yet I still can barely walk into The Room of Doom. In fact, I had to push debris aside to gain access to the computer keyboard just now. I don’t understand the physics of this. How can I keep removing things, yet the apparent volume of what is left remains the same? Somehow the remaining clutter physically expands to fill empty space. I find this quite discouraging.