Tag Archives: decluttering

DAY SIXTY-FIVE: Sorrowful Saturday

I find myself overwhelmed by waves of despair and a sense of futility as I try to sort through all my junk. Hours of effort today with no visible result, other than more clutter and confusion and chaos.

I’m feeling fat and tired and old.

Walked 10 kilometers today. Saw several cars parked where the local ultra-runners gather to practice on “Long Road,” the route of the Peacock 100 race that’s coming up next month. Seeing stickers on the cars promoting various 100k and even a 1000k stage race and slogans like “Sea Level is for Sissies” left me feeling ever fatter and older and more tired as I waddled along at a slow walking pace.

My work trousers barely fit around the waistline.


I think I’m mostly over my cold. I still have a trace of a residual cough, and I’m quite tired by the end of each day.

Tonight I shall be trying to sort and price items for the yard sale that we hope to hold tomorrow. Of course the weather is looking damp.

Again, I am feeling extremely frustrated because of the endless amount of stuff I have accumulated, and the way that no matter how much I think I have removed, the room still seems cluttered to the point of being impassible. I had to move a half-dozen boxes and bags to access the computer to type this post.

DAY FIFTY-THREE: Another Monday

Another Monday. Another early morning. Another day at work. Still feeling the vestiges of the cold, so I’m pretty well wiped out by the time I get home.

I stopped at WalMart on the way home from work and purchased a dozen plastic storage bins in a variety of sizes. I am intending to leave nothing packed in cardboard boxes by the time I’ve finished cleaning out The Room of Doom.

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN: Too Tired to Tweet

I worked on “house stuff” all day, some “fix-it” stuff, some “decluttering” stuff, and despite my ending up too tired to write anything decent here, there is virtually no visible progress. I snapped some photos today, but I don’t want to take the time to upload, edit, and post them. I want to take a shower and go to bed.

I have almost completely filled up the back of my car with items for the proposed yard sale, yet I still can barely walk into The Room of Doom. In fact, I had to push debris aside to gain access to the computer keyboard just now. I don’t understand the physics of this. How can I keep removing things, yet the apparent volume of what is left remains the same? Somehow the remaining clutter physically expands to fill empty space. I find this quite discouraging.

DAY THIRTY-THREE: Ants in the Belfry

After work I fussed around trying to patch a small area of decaying trim in the bathroom. It’s, like, a six inch long section. Considering my current rate of progress on house projects, by the time I complete even the most basic of necessary cosmetic repairs I will need to start over from the beginning! I cannot visualize this house ever being ready to invite a real estate agent in to get a market appraisal.

Additionally, of course, there’s the clutter, the stuff, the crap with which we have filled our living space. Continue reading DAY THIRTY-THREE: Ants in the Belfry

DAY THIRTY-TWO: Decluttering is a Cluttery Business

Monday. 5:00 a.m. wakeup time. Not fun. In fact, the 5:00 a.m. wakeup time is going to drive me to suicide one of these days. I hate it that much. And I am not exaggerating.

I sold two items on eBay yesterday. One of the buyers paid today, which meant that after work I wanted to print out a shipping label and pack up the item for mailing. Sounds easy enough. But this is me we’re talking about – well, that I’m talking about and you’re reading about – so nothing is ever easy. Continue reading DAY THIRTY-TWO: Decluttering is a Cluttery Business