201.4 pounds – up a  pound since last week.

Spent a couple of hours going through every folder in my file cabinet looking for the title to the PT Cruiser. Could not find it. Finally looked online. The City/County still indicates the “owner” of the car is First Hawaiian Bank, even though the loan was paid off about ten years ago.

Nothing is ever easy.

I telephoned the bank. I was told that I can bring proof if identification into the bank to request a copy of the title. Then I must take the duplicate title to the Department of Motor Vehicles to transfer ownership… to me.

Today I moved almost thirty plastic storage tubs from The Room of Doom into the neighbor’s garage for temporary storage. Thirty tubs. And yet the room is still almost impassible. This is starting to feel seriously crazy. I am going to go sort more boxes now. Boxes of books. I don’t know how I ended up with so many boxes of books. I purged books a couple of years ago. I thought I had greatly reduced the number of books. Apparently not.

I realized while moving the thirty-odd storage tubs that I must become significantly more ruthless in my purging. I need to reduce the volume of stuff by at least half.

We have an appointment with one real estate agent to look at our house on Saturday afternoon. Two others have not yet come back to us to schedule a time.