A blah week of being exhausted by and at work, during which I have accomplished very little. I have been trying to complete the necessary paperwork, which really isn’t much, to list our house for sale with the Multiple Listing Service. I’ve been too tired and cranky after work to put much effort into it, other than one evening during which I completed most of it. Additionally, my spouse, who claims she really wants to sell the house, comes up with one excuse after another for putting it off. I don’t think she really wants to sell and move. Or possibly she is just overwhelmed by thoughts of moving. She keeps catastrophizing about how difficult a move will be — most of the challenges centering around dealing with her five cats.

Five stinking cats. Literally stinking. The exterior of our property reeks of cat urine, particularly when the humidity is high. Personally, I think that is likely to turn off any potential buyers right there. My spouse does not notice the stench. I suspect that I have become so inured to it that I no longer notice how bad the inside of the house smells. But anyway, her concerns over throwing a few cats into shipping containers and putting them on an airplane, even though we’ve done it before, apparently outweigh the benefits of possibly profiting by hundreds of thousands of dollars and being able to significantly reduce our living expenses while enjoying a much higher standard of living.