
I looked at my LiveJournal account today for the first time in a year. Yes, it’s been almost exactly a year. It must be a February thing, because the last time I updated LJ was February 2014.

Three of my LJ contacts still post. Zannah is posting daily, chatty, entertaining slice-of-life vignettes. Her posts are actually RSS feeds from her blog, Vox Machina. SjonSvenson posts at least a few times a week, generally with brief observations from the office in which he works. LilRonGal posts a few times a month. Pretty much everybody else seems to have given up on LJ completely around 2012.

LiveJournal is owned by a Russian conglomerate now. There are options on the home page for viewing the site in Cyrillic.

LJ friend DBlume responded to my LJ lament with a comment:

It’s only thanks to RSS that I get notified that you posted. Don’t bother being sad about LiveJournal’s transition. Life is change. Do you have any other online haunts nowadays?

“Life is change.” Yes, for most people it is, I suppose. I went back and looked at my first few LiveJournal posts, from back in 2002. Marc 2002, in fact. The first post is about having nothing to say. That hasn’t changed. The third post is something about decluttering. About trying to thin out my possessions. Thirteen years of writing about the same stuff and doing the same stuff.

Obviously life is not always change, at least not for all of us. My life doesn’t seem to have changed. I’m older. I’m fatter. I’m poorer. And I’m whining about the exact same stuff as I was thirteen years ago.

I wonder if I can set up an RSS feed so ChamberOfChaos will post to LiveJournal?