DAY THIRTEEN: Lack of Focus

We had a largely pointless, but extra-long, faculty meeting at work today. In my notebook I ran across a comment I had written down back in April 2014, toward the end of last school year:

How many years are you going to waste doing something you hate, something that is futile?

I guess part of the problem is that I have not clearly defined what it is I want to do instead of the thing that I hate. What do I want to be doing? What do I need to do to get to that point? What specific steps can I take to move toward that goal?

After work I filled in some more of the bank erosion and put away some yard furniture and cleaned up miscellaneous clutter in case high winds from the approaching hurricane(s) become an issue here. Hurricane Iselle was briefly downgraded to tropical storm status earlier today, but has since been re-upgraded back to hurricane status. That storm is expected to impact the Big Island sometime tomorrow afternoon, and to reach Oahu mid-day Friday. By Sunday another hurricane, Julio, also upgraded from tropical storm status, is projected to reach Hawaii.