DAY FIFTEEN: Survived the First Round

The first hurricane, Iselle, brought only moderate rains and wind to Oahu. Now Hurricane Julio is queued up to strike.

The touchpad on my MacBook Pro is becoming so unresponsive that navigating on the computer is becoming a hassle, to the point where I’m even more disinclined to do anything productive or creative with this website than I have been thus far.

Today I caulked around the ceiling in the bathroom. I still need to work on the lower edges of the wall around the floors and the tub. I also started deboxing a lot of toys I had “hoarded” for possible investment value. The hoard totals… erm… a ridiculous 110 “action figures.” I’ve been looking up some of the items on eBay. If they’re not selling, I’m deboxing them to save space and putting the loose figures into plastic storage tubs for now. If they are selling for anywhere close to what I paid for them, I intend to list them for sale. Taking toys out of their packaging can be a tedious, time-consuming process. So is listing items for eBay. So is caulking the bathroom. Everything takes forever.