Tag Archives: impossiblehq


Joel Runyon over at IMPOSSIBLEHQ.com is clearing out the last of his old stock Impossible Gear tee shirts and tank tops: LINK to IMPOSSIBLEHQ Fire Sale post

I’m sorely tempted, but I already own two blue IMPOSSIBLEHQ tee shirts and at least three – it might be four – grey shirts. How many IMPOSSIBLEHQ t-shirts do I need? Particularly considering that I’m trying to a) clear out the clutter and b) raise some quick cash for some projects. So I’m gonna try to resist this offer… unless my current eeBeh listings generate a LOT of extra cash when they close this weekend, which isn’t looking too likely at present… but I encourage YOU to RUSH to the IMPOSSIBLEHQ web site and equip yourself with some awesome IMPOSSIBLEHQ gear!

205.4 pounds today.

DAY TWENTY: What th’ Devil?

“Satan is god! Satan is god!” This is what a 9-year old kid in my class was spouting today, mostly to draw attention to himself and draw a rise out of the other kids. At least I hope that’s why he was saying it. Working as I do in the public school system, I have to be tolerant of all religious viewpoints, so beyond trying to quietly shush the little devil-worshipper… well, what can I say? I was trying very hard, but somewhat unsuccessfully, not to laugh. Less than two weeks into the new school year, the Crazy Train – actually, a few years ago a friend christened it The Circus Train to the Twilight Zone – is already at full-throttle.

And I want off this ride! Continue reading DAY TWENTY: What th’ Devil?