DAY EIGHT: Screens or Screams?

Today I worked on re-screening the living room window screens – that sounds redundant, doesn’t it? – and of course the process unfolded more slowly and less smoothly than anticipated. I did not have enough screen material to complete the three screens on which I was working. Additionally, I managed to tear the second screen while installing the spline. A trip to the hardware store became necessary, this time to Lowe’s in Waikele, a forty or so minute drive away, because I was fairly certain Lowe’s would have what I needed. And they did. Still, after making the drive, looking for and buying what I needed, and then making a side-trip to Home Depot to check the dimensions on bathroom vent fans (the replacement fan motors carried by Lowe’s and Home Depot will not fit the existing box in the bathroom, of course), my buying trip ended up taking the better part of three hours.

I managed to finish three screens. Then I started working on some trim and molding pieces in the bathroom around the top of the tub, but by that time it was getting dark outside so I wasn’t able to do very much. Cutting molding pieces to match up properly at corners presents something of a challenge… which means I make mistakes and waste material. Oh well, I should have enough to finish up what I’m trying to do tomorrow without cobbling together too many hokey work-arounds.

I snapped some photos of the screen repair process, thinking I would make this post actually useful, offering perhaps some instructions and stuff. But… naah! It’s getting late and I’m tired. Here’s a web site that makes repairing screens seem easy and fun! They left out the part about getting stabbed by tiny pieces of wire and bleeding. I didn’t get any pictures of the bleeding part, but bleed I did, and curse and swear. Maybe I’ll write my version of a screen repair tutorial tomorrow, it might be fun… -ish.

I tinkered with WordPress web site stuff a bit this evening. I figured out how to get several domain names to display the same content: point them all to the same database. Just think, I can display Chamber of Chaos on any number of domains! Well, any number to which I have admin access, anyway. But I won’t. One Chamber of Chaos is enough. Instead, I’ll use some of my domains to try to sell my house.

You didn’t think I was doing all this home repair stuff because I intend to keep living here, did you? Nobody fixes up their house while they’re living in it. People fix things around the house when they first move in and when they’re getting ready to move out. If we can sell the house for enough to make it worthwhile – that is, to make it possible to move and to buy a house somewhere else – we’re gonna do it. If it won’t sell for enough to be worthwhile, oh well, we’ll have a cleaner, less-cluttered house. One with new window screens.

I will be posting my House For Sale information at: and other fine web sites (,, and the illustrious

Saturday, 2 August 2014