Tag Archives: wasting time


Quotations from Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week:


Tomorrow becomes never.

… to have quality and less clutter.

Do all the things you want to do; be all the things you want to be.

“Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.


Pluck and Luck Dime Novel
Pluck and Luck No. 886, May 26, 1915: Larry Lee, Young Lighthouse Keeper


“Possessions, like fat, insulate us from the outside world, building a wall of junk which we can hide behind. Our clutter becomes an insular mechanism for shielding ourselves from pain. We all do to some degree, but few ever make the correlation. The sheer act of acquiring stuff, too, can be a self-medication. How many of us shop in order to feel better? But it´s a temporary fix that, in the end, only adds to our depression.”

Christy Best, Professional Organizer